RELATIONSHIPS & SEXUAL HEALTH PROGRAMME:  In East Lothian, all schools use this programme to teach these aspects of the Health & Wellbeing Curriculum equipping children and young people with the knowledge, skills and values to make informed and positive choices about forming relationships. .  This website gives you all the information you need as a parent to support the delivery of this part of the curriculum and make informed decisions about how you can follow up information with your children at home.  https://Home-RSHP

PARENTZONE:  A website designed for parents by Education Scotland. 

ENQUIRE: Scottish advice service for additional Support for Learning. Managed by Children in Scotland. They offer independent and impartial advice and information to parents, carers, practitioners and young people. 

EAST LOTHIAN COUNCIL EDUCATION PAGES: A website containing useful information for East Lothian School Communities 

Armed Forces Families Eduhub page:

East Lothian Council Armed Forces Community Page: