Travel To & From School

safe routes to school

There are a number of options for parents and carers to bring their children to school and pick them up safely.  Wallyford is a school community that is committed to reducing the number of cars around our school to ensure safety and promote healthy choices.  These are your main options for drop off and pick up:

final walking bus flyer (2).pdf

please support the development of our walking bus.

Although the bus only operates on a tuesday at the moment, please let us know if you could give some time to volunteer each week as a Walking Bus Driver.  You will receive full training, a PVG which our Parent & Carer Council will pay for and you will be fully covered by insurance.  Even if you can only do 1 day, 1 morning or afternoon, that is great!  We want the Walking Bus to expand and succeed.

Get in touch with the Parent & Carer Council Chair if you are interested via your class rep or email —we’d love your support! 

Wallyford Primary Final map.pdf

As a school community we want to foster good relations with our neighbours.  To help with this, we would very much appreciate it if parents/carers would avoid parking in private car parks (this includes the private car park off Oliphant Gardens), blocking driveways or parking too close to junctions (which can reduce visibility for pedestrians crossing).

Our learners ask all our parents, carers and families to sign a Parking Pledge.  Here is a link to the Pledge and, if you haven't already done so, our learners invite you to sign a pledge and return this to the school.

Please download, print and sign either Page 4 or Page 5 of the Parking Pledge for Wallyford and keep us all safe.  Let us know if you'd like us to print a copy for you.

Our Parking Pledge

Ongoing Consultations with Parents & Carers

We held an open meeting for Parents & Carers on 19 February 2025 to allow our parents & carers to discuss any issues around parking and safe drop off/pick up with key officers from East Lothian Council.  Around 20 parents/carers attended.  Also at the meeting were:

Zena Diggle, Head Teacher

Alan Stubbs, Service Manager for Roads

Richard Kerr, Active Travel Officer, Roads Services

Leanne Ayton, Principal Officer, Equity & Inclusion

Marshall Greenshields, Senior Roads Officer, Infrastructure

The document below notes the concerns/challenges/points raised at the meeting and the actions/responses where appropriate:  (we will add this asap)