Our Relationships & Behaviour Policy

Positive Relationships & Behaviour Policy
R&B policy summary for parents.pdf

Summary for parents and learners

This chart shows what we do to support learners who are showing inappropriate or unsafe behaviours.

Expectations Poster

Expectations Poster

This will be visible in the classroom.

Specialist and Visiting Teacher Handover

handover sheets

These are for teachers/visiting specialists other than the main Class Teacher, to use to feedback to the Class Teacher how the children have done in the lesson with them.  This could be PE, Art, Music, etc.

Positive Recognition Slips

Positve recognition

These will be left on the desk for either the HT, DHT or PT to let them know that they are invited to a class to see some fabulous achievement - either by an individual, a group or the whole class.

Bullying Incident Procedure Checklist.docx

bullying incident procedure checklist

We will use this to ensure that any bullying incident that is reported to management is dealt with fully, that appropriate people are informed and that the incidents are recorded correctly.

CT Letter.docx
DHT Letter.docx
HT Letter.docx

Letters to parents

If a learner is struggling to meet our expectations in terms of behaviour in class, we will reach out to parents/carers to let them know so that they can have the opportunity to talk to their child and then get in touch with us if they feel they'd like a further conversation.  The first letter(s) will come from the Class Teacher and, if the learner continues to struggle in school, the Depute Head Teacher may get in touch by letter/email and, if further conversations are needed, the Head Teacher will send a letter/email as well.  

These letters are all shown here so you know what to expect.